Monday, May 14, 2012

Loving my Lilacs

My favorite time of year is when the Lilac's reach their full bloom and bring forth an enticing aroma that I love to fill my house with... My mother recently brought me a whole bushel of Lilac's from her home in Eastern Oregon. It's become a tradition, not only for the Lilac's, but a great reason for us to get together for a visit.

This Year I was able to fill several vases and vessels with my favorites....

A Beautiful morning tea...

All of them put together ready to place in every room in my house...

I couldn't resist taking a few outdoor shots of these beauties...

So pretty the way the light hits the vintage glass jars...

If I'm ever having a bad day,or when ever things are upside down, It's the one little simple thing I can do for myself that always adds some happiness to my day... Fresh Flowers for Happiness...Try It!

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